Monday, January 10, 2011

One Album Caught Up! (well, sort of...)

I am excited to report that my six-year-old's scrapbook is caught up--almost! I have scrapped all the photos that I had printed for his album, which takes it to mid-October. The only layouts he doesn't have in his album are Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Even though by the time I get back to his album I will likely have at least six month's worth of pages to do for him, I at least feel like I have accomplished something. Here are the pages that round out my latest burst of scrapping energy:
For this layout, I used this sketch. The rest of these were likely inspired by other sketches on the site, but I didn't specifically use a sketch.
I managed to use some really old patterned paper on this one, which I always love. Every old piece of paper I use gets me that much closer to buying new paper!

For my next trick, I hope to do the same for my nine-year-old's album by the end of the month. I just looked through his stack of photos and I have ten more pages to do. While I work on those, I can contemplate how I want to tackle my 2009 album. Do I start at the beginning of the year and work chronologically (my usual plan of attack)? Do I start at the end of the year and work backwards? Or do I just randomly pull out pictures that strike my fancy and get working? I always say I'm going to try and do that, but my sense of order never seems to allow me to actually do it. However, since I've yet to purchase an actual album to put my 2009 pages in, it may be a little easier since I won't be able to see exactly where the pages are going. Oh, but I just realized I have a 50% off Michael's coupon sitting in my purse, along with a partially redeemed gift card. Hmm, looks like I may be choosing an album and letting go of my fantasy of non-chronological scrapbooking.

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