Wednesday, June 1, 2011

School's Out!

Today was the last day of school for my boys. I definitely think they are happier about this than I am. I am looking forward to taking a break from the daily routine (although I take great comfort in my routines...Monday is Laundry Day, you know). I am happy to not have to set my alarm for the morning, but I will get frustrated when I don't get myself moving to get to the grocery store before lunchtime.

The challenge of every mom in the summer, I suppose, is to keep the kids fairly occupied without resorting to eight hours a day of TV watching/video game playing. There will be several weeks that they will have something to do for at least part of the day, whether it's Cub Scout camp or vacation Bible school. There are plenty of things I could do with them. We have memberships to the zoo, the museum center, and the theme/water park. However, none of these places is much less than twenty miles from our house, and with ever-increasing gas prices, hopping in the car for an 80-mile round trip is less than appealing.

Added to the mix of keeping the kids entertained is keeping them relatively quiet. My husband works from home three days a week, with much of his job consisting of conference calls. On the occasions where I can convince them to get away from the TV/wii, their activities tend to be noisy. They are boys, after all.

Today, though, I should celebrate my fourth-grader getting straight A's and my kindergartner doing well also (primary report cards are much less concrete, as I'm sure many of you know). I will also celebrate getting to sleep in tomorrow (although the boys will still be up before 7:00am, I'm sure. It will take them a week or so to shift to a later sleeping schedule).

Tomorrow I can dwell on the fact that in just eleven weeks, I will finally have two children in school full-time.

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