Wednesday, September 19, 2012

2010 Again, With a Side of 24601

As I was using up the last of my printed photos, I debated what I was going to work on next. Do I keep going in the boys' albums and try and get them caught up (they are a year behind)? Or do I delve back into the family album, which left off in July 2010? Before I find that album even more woefully behind, I opted for the 2010 route. I ordered prints to finish out the year, and right now my unofficial goal is to get "caught up" to two years behind. To accomplish that goal, I need to complete 10-11 layouts (most of which will be 2-pagers) by the end of the month. Not an impossible task, but given my pace of late, a difficult one.

There are the usual added distractions. Not only are we entering "Birthday Season" (both boys with birthdays two weeks apart), plus the other fall activities (I don't know why this time of year seems especially busy for us. Maybe it's just every time of year these days!), I am trying my best to read Les Miserables. It is my all-time favorite musical, which I've seen four times over the past 20 years, and listened to the soundtrack (currently I have three different recordings on my iPod) countless times. I decided it was time to tackle the book, and it has been quite the undertaking for me. I am generally a fast reader, finishing your average best-seller in 2-3 days. When I decided to read Wicked before seeing that musical last year, I was surprised that book took me over a week to finish (and, in case you're interested, it was WAY different than the musical). Imagine my frustration now that I am only a little over halfway through Les Miz, and I've been reading it for over six weeks! Granted, I've read three other books during that time, but still...I was actually a little glad when I found out yesterday they pushed back the release date of the movie to Christmas day. I doubt I'll go see it opening day now, but at least I have two more weeks to get through the book!

I have managed to get a few more scrapbook pages done since my last post. While I was waiting for my print order, I did a couple for my portrait album. These are the 5x7's and 8x10's from the studios that used to be in frames. Rather that try and fit them into the regular chronological albums, I started a separate album just for these photos. They are more simple than my usual simple pages, and I generally only work on them when I've run out of other printed photos. These are fun for me since it usually means I get to look at baby pictures of my boys again.

I should quit babbling and either get to scrapping or get to reading! Thanks for looking.

This is one of those papers from the DCWV Doodlin' Around stack that I thought I'd never use.

Another super fast page with a DCWV paper. This is my niece.

Sketch: Amy Alvis
Papers: DCWV
Punch: Fiskars
Cricut Cartridge: Lyrical Letters

Papers: DCWV
Cricut Cartridge: Lyrical Letters
Punch: EK Success
Papers: DCWV
Cricut Cartridge: Doodle Type

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